905.450.7998 bllntr@yahoo.com

Start here

If this is your first visit, then here are some suggestions.

Watch the video on the Home page, or read the transcript beside it, and you’ll have an idea of what the site is about,

The Contents pages, in the navigation above, are probably the most important. Contents 1 lists the Sections and sub-headings. Contents 2 lists the Section titles and gives an excerpt of the material.

There are at present 51 Sections, each of which covers certain areas of interest.

I suggest you start with the Foreword and the Preface and read through all the Sections in order.

If you have questions or thoughts, write them down. They may be dealt with or answered at some point in the book; if not, you can email me (bllntr@yahoo.com, or via the Contact Us form) and I’ll reply and include it somewhere appropriate in the text. This way, we can all continue our leaning.

There are links to each of the various Sections from the Contents pages. The Foreword and the Preface are viewable to all visitors, but the other Sections are for members. You may need to log in or register if you haven’t already done so.

The cost of access to the material is $8.97 US. It is a one-time payment via PayPal and you can use a credit card if you don’t have a PayPal account. After registering, you have immediate access to all the text.

I suggest too that you create a free OneNote account for yourself (https://www.onenote.com/download), or sign up to Evernote (https://evernote.com/) that also offers a free version.

You can then take the material and make it your own by organizing it as you would like, adding tags and categories so you can sort and re-sort it as well as find information as you need it. You will also be able to add your own comments and keep up to date with your own development.

You can cut and paste the text from here into a note and then change it however you want – maybe typing in your comments, or asking yourself some follow-up questions, or adding your own experiences of a card or a situation to round out your understanding.

